Saturday, January 5, 2008

Wiki/Forum Fun

I'm engaged in a thread about Grappling rolls in Scion over on the forums, and the following was included as a P.S. from some dude I've never met or written to before:
As an odd coincidence, I just ran my players through the Carlsbad Caverns/Nemean Bat mini-adventure (they needed to use the touchstone to enter the Aztec Underworld). Everyone enjoyed it greatly.
I know, you're thinking "How immodest. Such egotistical self-promotion is well beneath what I expect from Rolfe." I'm not really blogging about this to brag, but I am really happy someone ran one of my scenarios. Even if they'd hated it, I would have had to comment on this. It's exactly why I'm wiki-ing and blogging so many of my campaign notes. I do so much damn work for my campaign, and I thought it'd be cool if I could help lighten someone else's GMing load. Mission accomplished - and they liked it! This encourages me to post more. A tiny bit of outside validation works wonders.

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