Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Memetic Torture - Manipulation knack

Memetic Torture - Manipulation knack - No Prerequisite

You are terribly good at creating catchy jingles or clever slang that stick in peoples minds. With the expenditure of a Legend point and a roll of your Manipulation + Art vs their Willpower + Integrity + Legend, you can stick a melody or catch-phrase in a person's subconscious. Over the next two weeks, they will hum that tune or use that catchphrase no fewer than (your Epic Manipulation Successes) times. To reduce the frequency, they must spend Willpower - each point removes a single instance from their required destiny.

What's more, if you use this power in a public forum (such as at a big party, in a post on a popular website, or on a call-in radio show) you may be able to make it stick in the local or national consciousness at the cost of a Legend and a Willpower.
It takes 10-30 successes to attach your meme to a specific group or subculture. 10 for all the neighborhood kids, 20 for a segment of alt culture, and 30 to affect everyone of a certain generation or political party within your city.
40 successes will make it a nation-wide manic flash-in-the-pan that eventually dies, like "Where's the Beef?" or dancing the Macarena.
50 successes will make it an accepted long-term part of an entire culture's lexicon. Famous examples of that last category include such notables as "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," made-up words such as "hello" and "blog", and the opening chord which starts A Hard Day's Night. (Admit it - you heard that chord the moment you read that.)
80 successes generates a memorable concept that will survive the death of the culture it is embedded in, such as the many conflicting and erroneous tales of the Trojan War.

Note that sticking a jingle or catchphrase in someone's head does not automatically make them understand it, believe it, or agree with it. It's just catchy, not illuminating.

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