Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Streamlined Falling

Here's some diceless 7th Sea falling rules to go along with my streamlined 7th Sea damage system.

Falling: Falling Damage is determined by two factors: Height and Surface.

Every level of Hieght beyond your Ranks in the Break Fall Knack results in 1 "die" of damage.
  • Soft Surfaces (pillows, haystacks, water, other people) result in 2 Fleshwounds per die.
  • Hard Surfaces (dirt, tiled or wood floors, open ground, tree branches) result in 5 Fleshwounds per die.
  • Sharp Surfaces (jagged rocks, spiked pits, massed soldiers carrying polearms) result in 9 Fleshwounds per die.
Dramatic wounds start at 1, +1 for every 10 fleshwounds above your Soak Roll.

The other effect of falling is that it leaves you Prone unless you make a Finesse + Break Fall roll vs TN: 30.

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