Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Expanded Repartee: Charm

Expanded Repartee & Reputation Action Rules, Page 2:

Charm: This is the method by which you may influence the opinions or goals of an NPC. To do so, you must list the opinion you intend for them to develop, and then roll as follows:

Roll Resolve + a Knack listed below, contested by the other persons Wits + Scheming or Wits + ColdRead
Your target number is equal to 5 + 5 x their Scheming or 0 + 5 x their Cold Read.
Their Scheming or Cold Read is used to represent their ability to notice your ulterior motives.
To convince them of your point takes 1 successful roll per point of Resolve they have.

The following Knacks may be used by you:
Socializing, if the person has at least 1 point of CUPS/Like for you. Add their CUPS/Like to your roll, subtract thier SWORDS/Dislike.
Seduction, if you’re really trying to charm them. Add their CUPS/Like or STAVES/Useful to your roll, subtract thier SWORDS/Dislike.
Bribery, if you are offering them money or gain. The amount you offer them may add 1 or more Free Raises to your roll. Add their COINS/Useful to your roll.
Haggling or Shopping, if you’re trying to convince them to lower their prices or accept a business proposition. Add their COINS/Useful to your roll.

Innuendo, if you’re trying to be sly or hide the course of your conversation from observers. In such a case, you roll the lower of your Innuendo or other Knack.
Loyalty or Love (strong Staves or Cups): if you’re trying to turn someone against another person they have a 6+ in STAVES/Useful or CUPS/Like for, they gain +1 Kept Die to thier defensive roll, and STAVES/Useful or CUPS/Like rating added to your passive TN.

Failed rolls: If you fail a Charm roll, you may make no further Charm attempts versus that NPC in regards to that topic for the remainder of this Act. In addition, you must immediately make a Panache + Ettiquette roll vs 5 + 5 x their Ettiquette. Failure on that second roll results in them gaining 1 SWORDS/Dislike of you.

To speed up the process, you may make Raises. Each Raise counts as an additional success towards your goal of successes equaling their Resolve.
To make the target completely unaware of your Influence upon them, you must make raises equal to thier Scheming rank.
Charm is temporary. Each Raise for Duration roughly doubles how long the person behaves under the new line of thinking.
Convince them of more than 1 thing at a time: +1 Raise per additional opinion voiced.

Extra Successes may be needed:
If you are trying to convince someone of something that would put them in danger or go against their nature or immediate goals, you will need double the normal number of successes or raises.

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