Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It is happening again

My apologies for the obscure photo reference. I just feel like Agent Cooper at the moment. I'm at the road house, and no one else can see the giant. He's waving his hands, and mouthing "No!" but I feel powerless to heed or even acknowledge his warning.

"It is happening again. It is happening again."

So, between other things yesterday, I answered somebody's post asking about Followers in Scion. He wanted viable 5-dot Valkyries, and I wanted to help him. I took the 3-dot Experienced Soldier base, applied the 2-dot (but really should only be a 1.25-dot template if such a thing were possible) Amazon template to them, followed by the 1-dot Einherjar template. Then I put them on flying horses and gave them an Animal Ken rating for free. I even gave them a Legend Rating one less than the PC had.

This put them pretty much at the very top of the Follower power curve. Only the minotaur in Demigod is tougher - and when you buy a 5-dot Minotaur, you only get one of him, not a squad of five on mounts.

So today, the guy gets on the forums and says something to the affect of "Great! But Vals need powers! I'm gonna add +6 dots of Epic Attributes, +4 dots of Boons, bump their Legend up, give 'em some magic armor and magic weapons, and then present these Valkyries to my GM. Thanks!"

Oh, god. I hope this guy meant that as a joke. Please, please let him have read the other thread and just thought this would make some good ironic satire. If not, I may cry. Or go ballistic on him.

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