Tuesday, January 1, 2008

4238 BC in the Pacific Northwest

More notes from Continuum Campaign. Not a lot to say on this one: mostly a diversion, plus a red herring. This lead to another UFO sighting, and lots of improvisation.
-4238 BC - March 20th at 12:00 noon - Pacific Northwest - Geminid -
Quicker Corner atop very rugged cliffs overlooking the ocean. Playlist: Raining

When you arrive: You are in a wood-and-mud round lodge, just barely large enough to hold the group of you. The roof is scant inches above your heads.

Izzy says “Claustrophobic, huh? Luckily the fire isn’t up for the sweatlodge, or we’d be even more uncomfortable. Anyhow, were’ in 4238 bc, which is so far back not even the Egyptians can name an event that happened this year. Levellers haven’t discovered the calendar yet. Miracles are common in this era, but levellers still are ignorant of spanning. We’ve got a little more leeway than usual, and it’ll just keep getting better in that regard as we move futher down.”

An old man lives in the area, away from his tribe. His name is “Speaks With The Wind”. He speaks with spirits the PCs can’t see. He greets them in a foriegn tongue, and draws in the dirt. Izzy completes it for the geminid era.

Down below these high bluffs you’ll find a rugged stretch of coastline.
There’s a few totem poles visible, and really tall middens - heaps of oyster shells.

Fun things to do in the Pacific Northwest:
1. Talk philosophy with Speaks With The Wind
2. Rock climbing

If the PCs check out the Middens:
You eventually see someone span in, and set down a bundle next to a midden. Then they span to the other side, suddenly holding a long pole with antlers on the end, and push the midden over so that it collapses onto and covers the bundle.
If the pcs go to the trouble of finding what the bundle holds, the answer is it’s a big leather tarp stitched closed and sealed with wax. It’s wrapped around a variety of weapons of different eras. There’s a 9mm submachinegun with 1 clip, a flintlock pistol with a powderhorn and 15 shot, a variety of swords, daggers and and javelins and some kind of rifle that looks like it came out of star trek.

Who left the weapons? Could be a loyal spanner, prepping for a later battle. Could be a narcissicist trying to frag an archaeologist. Could be an antedessertium scout rebuilding one of the weapon depots that Jeanne d’Arc destroyed in 4316 bc.

Before you leave: Speaks With The Wind gives you each a set of very neutral leathers with little to no adornment to suggest any particular culture.
I ended up portraying "Speaks With The Wind" as if a slightly senile aged version of Thomas from Smoke Signals. It was humorous and cute, but probably a poor choice for portraying a Span Two.

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