Tuesday, January 8, 2008


For those unfamiliar with Scion, a Knack is a bonus power that players may choose whenever they increase their level in an Epic Attribute. In addition, a PC may purchase knacks individually for 5 XP (a typically session grants 4+ XP) as long as they have at least one dot in the corresponding Knack and meet all it's prerequisites. Only about 40% of knacks have prerequisites, by the way, and none of the ones in Hero did.

My Scion game has been going on for a while now - character creation started a couple months before I moved to Seattle, and the first session was the week we arrived. The PCs have advanced to Legend 6, which means they are Demigods now. As a result, they've taken nearly all the Knacks in the books that appeal to them. I grabbed a bunch from the Scion Wiki to supplement, but I'm not 100% comfortable with everything there, and it's still going to run out before they reach Legend 9.

So, I brainstormed a bunch of new knacks yesterday. I'll be posting the rough drafts here in the next few posts (which will look like the previous few posts if you read top-to-bottom), and then probably putting them (or at least the best of them) on White Wolf's wiki and forums.

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