Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Carlsbad Caverns Scion Scenario

This scenario was written by r_b_bergstrom in the summer of 2007, played for the first time in the fall of 2007, and posted here (and on the Scion Wiki) on December 11th, 2007. Small portions were published on the Wiki a week previous, they too were also by Rolfe Bergstrom.

Carlsbad Caverns, Home of the Nemean Bat
Carlsbad Caverns is an amazing place. Located just outside White's City, New Mexico (Carlsbad itself is further away) the Caverns are a popular tourist site and one of the most breath-taking natural wonders of the U.S.

But, lately, the wonders have been eclipsed by the Nemean Bat that is confounding Park Rangers and terrorizing local cattle ranchers.

Read about the Nemean Bat

Read about chambers relevant to the Bat search

Read about other chambers in the Carlsbad Caverns

Read about how Scion RPG characters might break in to Carlsbad

This is intended as a challenging adventure for Hero-level Scions, especially those without much experience or without an anti-Nemean weapon. High-Legend characters would of course breeze right through it. My players smacked the bat pretty quick, but had issues fighting the Chupacabra I'd thrown in to spice things up.

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