Wednesday, January 23, 2008

overuse of the CIA

In gaming, when you need a shadowy organization to pull the strings behind the curtain, it's far too easy to just say "he works for the CIA". The truth of the matter is, there's 16 different agencies in the US alone that a PC/NPC mole, conspirator, or black-operative could work for. Why settle for the boring old CIA, when you can be an operative from the DMA's office of GEOINT? Those guys are the ones with the real power - "hey Fred, whattya say we move the space needle a couple hundred feet southwest today?"

Here's the list from the Wikipedia page on the Intelligence Comunity...

The IC consists of 16 members (also called elements). The Central Intelligence Agency is an independent agency of the United States government. The other 15 elements are offices or bureaus within federal executive departments. The IC is led by the DNI, whose office (ODNI) is not listed as a member of the IC.


digital_sextant said...

I think you should use SETI. I love the idea that underneath their vast arrays of radio telescopes, SETI is the nation's secret future-technology black ops devision.

rbbergstrom said...

That's awesome.