Wednesday, December 12, 2007

XP at High Legend

I continue to be a tiny bit nervous about the high-levels of play in Scion.

The XP system is set up so that PCs can advance something every session at the Hero stage. My players do so constantly. I suspect a session has never gone by that didn't end with someone spending XP on something.

The things you can spend points on get sickly good as the game progresses into higher Legend ratings. The costs go up with that power increase, but the XP awards stay the same. Meaning that the sessions still give out 5 or 6 XP, but relevant upgrades go from costing 3 or 4 to costing 20 or 40. What I fear is going to happen is that players will either:
  • a) Become disillusioned with the game because they have to wait so long to up their best powers. Player dissatisfaction could hobble the "legs" of the campaign, causing it to die somewhere mid-DemiGod.
  • b) Keep looking for cheap things to satisfy the "upgrade every session or two" mentality the early stages of the game fostered. This would result in PCs having nearly identical stats and/or each PC having virtually every Knack the game provides.
Despite all my bitching, I'm really enjoying the game, and would hate to see either situation develop.

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