Thursday, October 11, 2007

d20 Reality TV

I'm considering dusting off my old "DnD Elimidate" (aka elimiDnDate) scenario to run at GwenCon next year. The question is, will I run it as-is, being rules-lite version of 3.5 DnD, or will I buy the 4.0 books when they come out next summer and try to convert it before GwenCon? It's a tough call, since designers and developers of 4th Ed could end up playing it.

As I was looking "DnD Elimidate" over, I found the original brainstorming list that lead to it.

The following are potential DnD-meets-Reality-TV scenarios, submitted for your amusement...

"Fey Eye for the Goblin Guy"
"American Bard"
"Who Wants To Inflict Their Template On My Daddy?"
"Drow Infomercials"
"My Big Fat Undead Fiance"
"Amish In The Dungeon"
"The Apprentice" starring Eliminster (instead of The Donald or his wig)

and the one I'd be most likely to run after DnD Elimidate:
"Aberrations Gone Wild" (PCs play the camera crew trying to convince the Beholders and Mindflayers to get naked)

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