Pages and Themes

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Afterthought to an Archery Addendum

Later, off-camera, when all the other plotlines had resolved, Aaron would span up to England and teach Paris a thing or two about Archery. And in case anyone is curious why I chose non-combatant Aaron to be Paris's teacher, it has to do with enthusiasm. From the day Izzy showed them the Travel Itinerary, Aaron (and really, Jeremy) just took a shine to the name "Groeg ydy abar a ognise bod 'n lladdedig ail a ail."

I figured, what else could a GM do, but make the place (whose name captured his fancy) be super important in the character's life? Doing so implied a level of destiny - that Aaron loved the words because they were a huge part of his Yet, not just because Jeremy thought they were funny to say. I'm pleased with the way that worked out.

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