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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Ironsworn: Wolf and Cat, Log 2

 This is the 2nd log of my Ironsworn solitaire campaign about Oddi Ice-Chosen. Character background and start of the narrative can be found at: Wolf and Cat, Log 1

Session length varies wildly. Some are multi-hour sessions in open evenings, others are 20-minute diversions over a lunch-break. 

Cast of Characters:

  • Oddi Ice-Chosen, my main PC. Abducted by a Firstborn sorceress as a child, only recently returning to the world of men, motivated by a terrible prophetic vision. Wears an enchanted wolf-skin. Storyweaver and occassional spellcaster.
  • Sammutisel: Oddi's pet Cave Lion. 150 pounds, 4-inch fangs. 
  • Kasju Frystgrotta: The Firstborn (elf) sorceress that abducted Oddi and taught him magic.

Log 2 (Date of Session: 7/27/2021)

Clarify that Oddi's feelings for Kasju have a lot to do with Stockholm Syndrome.

Another Undertake a Journey: Strong. Progress. 

He comes upon a major road passing around the north of the Deep Wilds, and catches a ride with a caravan heading inward (rolled for Oracle on what the waypoint was, got Coast which made no sense, then Caravan!) This road was not here when Oddi last passed this way, for this is the furthest South he's been since Kasju took him North. But he knows he needs to get East of a particular mountain, and that's where the caravan is headed.

Sammutisel is uncertain about the humans, and skulks along from a distance.

To pay for his ride, Oddi offers to tell stories and entertain. He tells a tale about a Firstborn enchantress saving a small boy from drowning, but that her magic accidentally took him away from the world for 100 years, and how much the world had changed in his absence. It's semi-autobiographical, but casts Kasju in the brightest possible light.

Secure an Advantage using Storyteller: Miss.  

A decade without humans means he fails to read the room. The people see it as a horror story, and talk about how terrible the Firstborn are. He tries to defend Kasju, and ends up becoming emotional. He jumps off the wagon, and runs into the woods. 

Pay The Price: 62 - It is Harmful. This will cause some trouble for Kasju further down the narrative. Maybe tales of Firstborn kidnappers become a powerful meme for those along this route. I make a note on Kasju's card.

Undertake a Journey on foot into the Hinterwood, instead of the road. Miss. No progress.

Pay The Price: 72 It is stressful. 

Endure Stress: Weak Hit. Spirit drops from 5 to 2. (I used the Formidible rating of the journey. That might be overkill, but since it was his first lengthy interaction with humans in a decade, it ending badly seemed like it should really hurt.

The next several actions will also be Undertake a Journey rolls, and maybe a Make Camp roll since my Spirit is low now. If I do Make Camp, that will mean it's nightfall, so in addition to my Camp I could do my wolf dance "Bind" Ritual.

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