Pages and Themes

Monday, May 11, 2009

Albuquirky Resonances

In my Deadlands game, the PCs are currently in Albuquerque, where they met a feller named Jean Luc Martell who works for another feller named Cristos D'Anconia. They passed through the shadow of a clock tower on their way across town.

My readers here who played in my old HOD LARP will recognize some of that. In that campaign, D'Anconia was the first PC Vampire Prince of Albuquerque. Martell was his right-hand ghoul. The Clock Tower was a major location / plot point. 4 of the 5 players in this campaign played at that LARP. I think John (the one Player who didn't play in that LARP) has the advantage, as I've already noticed the others being blinded by the parallels. This isn't the same world / setting as that game, even if certain elements are reflected.

For that matter, I made a reference in-character during storytime yesterday to The Gun being a Spikard, but we clearly aren't in Amber.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. their confusion doesn't surprise me...

  3. What did the comment say? I'd be happy to provide additional information if I was too vague and confusing.

  4. I deleted the previous comment because of spelling errors... I really don't like them but I have no edit option here...

    you weren't vague or confusing, I'm just saying that this sort of thing (using names from a different campaign the players are familiar with) is bound to be confusing and instil some false senses into them...

  5. Got it.

    The deleted comment doesn't indicate who made the comment. So, I thought someone else made a comment, then deleted it... and that the second comment was the only comment that was yours, and that you were refering to how the other commenter had been confused.

  6. Confusion all around!

    fits perfectly with the post :)

  7. And indeed, I realize I'm creating a situation where the players will be uncertain how much information to rely upon. That's pretty much my intent. I'll elaborate in another post.
