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Monday, July 14, 2008

Dr Horrible's Sing A Long Blog

This very odd-looking miniseries may be the dumbest thing Joss Whedon has ever been involved in - and that's saying something. I mean that as a compliment. Whedon has a talent for making things work that just rightly shouldn't.
Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.
The first section goes live tomorrow (July 15th 2008), and the whole thing is only up on the web for a week. View it this week, or not at all. (Well, I expect it may one day come out on DVD.)

I'm specifically pimping this show because I want to support Whedon's attempt at creating a new market for series projects outside of the Hollywood & Network machine. I'm not sure exactly how a free program on the web for less than a week will do that, but I'm willing to give him a chance. Besides, I'm secretly hoping that we'll get to see Malcolm Reynolds kick Doogie Howzers butt.

What does this have to do with Gaming? Crap if I know, but my other blog is so full of stuff these days. This would just get lost there. I guess I'll justify this by mentioning the many gaming tie-ins to Joss Whedon. Eden Studios did a Buffy RPG, Margaret Weiss (of Dragonlance fame) wrote the Serenity RPG, here's a link to a yahoo group for an Aliens vs Predator RPG (Joss wrote Alien Resurrection, so gimme a break. I know I'm stretching.)

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