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Friday, January 18, 2008

Sweep Two - Isolate vs Brock

GM's notes from a fight in my Continuum Campaign over a year ago. The battle was a true time combat, with Frag, physical attacks, and even a Gemini Flush. Borik and company went down in like 2 or 3 sweeps, though it looks like the physical sweep involved 16 bouts. Time Combats are hard to grok, and very difficult to relate the narrative of after-the-fact. Here's my notes taken at the time, plus a few italicized comments to explain them...

Frag: 1 + 2 + 7 Pretty sure this is how much Frag the PCs did to Brock/Borik. 10 is ugly. At 7 you get amnesia, at 8 you become a ghost. The chart doesn't go to 10.
Kail: Frag 2
Emily: 1
Lee: Frag These list how much Frag each PC took. Mostly from each other.
Kelly: 1

Successes: Not sure what exactly this is. Successes, sure, but on what? Are the numbers bouts?
1- Kelly -
4 - Kail -
5 - Pam -
6 - Lee -
7 - Aaron -
8 - Emily -
9 - Critical Success - Izzy Funny the one crit of the whole fight is rolled by NPC mentor...
12 - Kelly - 3
13 - Lee - 2
16 - Kail - 2

Failure: The beehive explains it to me. These are failures on the fragging rolls. The first number is the bout (like combat rounds) number. The second is the indication of what sweep it was for that PC, I think. If so, then the same is true for the previous chart.
2- Kelly - 2
3 - Crit Failure - Sean ...and the one crit failure is by the NPC sidekick
10 - Calvin
11 - Elizabeth
14 - Beehive (this penalty affects Lee and Izzy)
15 - Izzy - 2

Amy has sharp sticks
Kail puts logs across path
I love those notes. Hard to say why they were so important.

Successes - So these would be attack rolls that succeeded. IP is impairment, effectively damage.
2 - bullets - 7IP, 5IP- then gun jammed Oh, Kelly must have crit-failed too. 3 shots? autogun?
4 - deadfall
5 - circle & rubble - physics
6 - bullets - 8 IP
7 - thorns in way
9 - laser - 5 hits, 2 crits
12 - bullet - 8IP
13 - pegged the beehive
15 - laser - 2 hits
the whole block is damn cool. laser vs thorns. pegged the beehive. :) what an awesome game

Failures -
1 - flashbang That's Kelly. IIRC, he fragged himself too.
3 - thrownspears
8 - deadfall
10 - he sleeps past him That's Calvin, the Corner's narcoleptic archaeologist
11 - gun jam
16 - kail’s martial arts believe that Brock fragged out before he could attack

1 comment:

  1. Sarah just pointed out that "Circle & Rubble - Physics" probably has something to do with the big rock she painted a target on. Or maybe laser-etched a circle on? We don't really recall the details (chime in if you do) but doubt it would have been paint.

    Whatever it was, we recall some nebulous efforts on Izzy's part to clean it up, but can't recall if that was to prevent frag or just to keep from boggling future archaeologists.

    "Jeeves, what were the results of the spectrum analysis and carbon dating on that petroglyph?"

    "Well sir, it appears to be modern latex enamel, like all-weather house paint, but it's about 7,500 years old."
