Pages and Themes

Monday, January 28, 2008

less kvetching

I have a tendency to whine and vent, which tends to give the impression that I don't like things. Fact is, I don't bitch about stuff I don't care about. You'll never hear me belaboring Brittney's latest hijinks here or the whining about features I wish my real-world Ford Taurus had, because such things barely interest me, and rarely elicit emotion on my part. You will, however, catch me griping here about games and systems that I love or almost love. I just don't want this to be one of those ill-natured rant blogs where people do nothing but bitch - and some days it seems to be in danger of becoming such.

1 comment:

  1. I thought that was the definition of a blog: "Ill-natured bitching about nothing"

    Also, I hate not being able to just post but must instead use a user. I don't use course what is one more password amongst hundreds that I have to look up in order to use. I should get a blog look I can bitch!!
