Pages and Themes

Monday, December 17, 2007

Groeg ydy abar a ognise bod 'n lladdedig ail a ail

Another page of GM-notes from my Continuum Campaign....

-1248 (BC) - May 12th at 12:00 noon - Ariesian - Troy.
Groeg ydy abar a ognise bod 'n lladdedig ail a ail. Midwives Corner in troy. Their job will be to protect certain important bloodlines, keep them alive despite the bloody massacre that’s coming soon. Playlist: 7th Sea Celtic

When you arrive: A man and a drop-dead gorgeous woman are waiting in the room for you. They stand with arms crossed and stern looks on their faces. Their anger is intimidating, especially coming from someone as beautiful as the woman.
Both wear brightly colored, richly embroidered clothing, accented by jewelry. Their eyes move back and forth between Aaron and Izzy.
With a trace of an almost welsh or scottish accent the man says says: “Urn of the North Wind and Izzygenia of Isle of Cranae. What makes the two of you think we’d ever let you set foot in Ilium agin after what you did last time?”
He pauses for the effect, and to watch the two of them scramble. “We were assured safe harbor.”
The woman smiles, and speaks: “Relax, friends! My husband makes a joke! Your future selves cause no trouble at all here, or at least none we’ve experienced yet.” Both laugh. “I am Hellene, he is Paris Alexis. He is the son of Priyam, King of Illium.”
Smiling now, the man speaks again: “Welcome to the Troad. My wife & I will be your hosts while you are level here. Tonight is the last easy night in the lands of Tros and illus. Tomorrow the first of 1200 ships lands, O’Killey the Narcissist and his Ants will burn Lyrnes, Aggamemmenon will demand tribute in tin, and a decade of tragedy and death begins. ”

Paris - Span 4 Spanner - Aaron Northwind’s elder self is a really good friend of Paris’s.
Hellene - Span 3 Midwife - Paris’s wife. She’s drop-dead gorgeous, with long golden hair. She’s lived here 9 years. Tomorrows war is not really about her, it’s about Tin and Bronze.
Darus Fryggya - Span 1. Bard-priest of Hefahstus. Friend of Paris and Aaron.
Hector - Leveller. Older brother of Paris, heir of Priyam.
Priyam - Leveller. Elderly. King of Troy.
Kassandra - Leveller, but possessed of powerful psychic potential. Will be a spanner eventually.

The culture is bronzeage protoceltic. Leather, bark, copper, bronze, tin, clay. No written language. Bards, druids, oral tradition, and mystery cults.

Explore the city. Illium sits upon large hills. These hills look down upon the Trojan plain and out the sea many km away. The city is a fortress, a series of twisting walls and stockades. It’s a spiralling maze that would render frontal assault a nightmare. The roads are broad, and much traffic is by chariot. Horseshoes have rings, straps and garters tieing the bright shoes onto the horses legs.

Fun things to do in Illium before the war:
  1. Party! These bronze age celts sure know how. Good wine, and lots of it. Celebration with musicians and dancing. Instruments include lyre, trumpet, tamborine and a type of guitar. Food is more basic than in Rome, but also much less scary.
  2. Mystery Ceremony. Invited to a late-night Drus ceremony in the woods on the banks of the Caymandyr. Each person brings a personal offering to cast into the river, then they dance naked around a fire. The High Priestesses (Breesis) chooses one man to have ritualistic sex with, then he is sacrificed and put on the fire. Everyone at this ceremony knows about the coming war, and each has some knowledge of magic, which may include spanning.
Before you leave: Taken to a high vantage point within the largest building of the city. Far out on the horizon can be seen tiny shapes upon the waters surface. The landing has begun.

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