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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Fluxx for the Holidays

I used to play a lot of Fluxx - we'd use it as warm-up and/or wind-down at that big Amber campaign from way back when, and we'd often haul it with to game night at the Blue Dragon Cafe. One year, FLUXX gave me a killer idea for something to add to our White Elephant gift-exchange.

I ordered a stack of Fluxx blanxx, and mostly completed them, but left a spot on each to be filled in later. So it'd say something like "New Rule: _____ Draws an Extra Card. If _____ is playing this game, they draw an extra card each turn." Each one was different, and I made more of them than we had people attending the white elephant party.

At the end of the White Elephant exchange, each person would enter their own name (in sharpie) into the blanks on the cards they ended up with. Then, instead of keeping the card, they'd put it in my deck. From then on, whenever we'd play, there'd be a chance of a card coming up that helped them specifically. I was the only person in that gaming group who didn't/couldn't get such a card.

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