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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

continual context

From my last post:
5236 bc - March 20th, noon - Baltic - Geminid -
6231 bc - Cancerean - Incredibly large wooden structures pointed at the sun.
5582 bc - Geminid. Looking out over the cold majestic sea. A huge city floats upon the water
It occurs to me I didn't mention this back-tracking in any of my posts about Merankea. The divide between the Cancerean and Geminid areas is roughly 6000 BC. The plotline I ran essentially took the players into contested territory. After a covert strike in 6231, they then backtracked to the day after one of the most famous and critical battles of the Antedesertium/Societal war. That's now stated a bit more clearly than my previous posts had done.

From the continuum rulebook:
5582 Atlantis' first intervention meets objective, but with serious damage; it never returns to this era
This is Antedessertium's Gettysburg, or Waterloo, if you will: a deep incursion into Societal spacetime with the intent to break apart our civilization from within. It fails, but we must fight to realize our victory, of course.

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